The magic of Enjoying Oral sex

Oftentimes, conversations around this specific topic are shrouded in shame + stigma within our community + within our society: fellatio (oral sex). As black women, especially, we are often raised with strict religious beliefs that condemn any form of sexual activity outside of marriage. I am sure you have heard the biased opinion of all things “Becky.” The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

Unfortunately, this can leave us feeling ashamed + confused about our own wants, desires + needs as sexual human beings. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

Well, my loves, it's time to break free from those outdated beliefs + embrace our sexuality! Here are some tips that can help you overcome those limiting beliefs + enjoy the pleasures of fellatio:

1. Question your beliefs: Take a moment to reflect on why you believe what you do about oral sex. Is it because your parents or church leaders told you that it was wrong? Or is it based on your own personal experiences? Once you understand the root of your beliefs, you can start to challenge + change them, should that be your choice. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

I deserve a healthy + fulfilled sex life + I will not allow Religion to speak so loudly about how i show up in my marriage, as a wife to my husband (partner).

2. Communicate with your partner: If you are in a committed relationship or even a marriage, it's important to have an open + honest conversation with your partner about your sexual desires + boundaries. Let them know how you feel about oral sex + work together to find a compromise that works for both of you. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

I will use my words to have conversations with my partner about OUR sexual wants, desires, + needs.

3. Educate yourself: There's no shame in learning more about sex + sexuality. There are plenty of resources available online + in books + literally right here in your face right now… who + that can help you understand the science + psychology behind sexual desires + behaviors. Don't be afraid to dive in + learn more about your body + what feels good to you. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

I will not be afraid to ask for help when it comes to the things I do not know about sex, nor will I be ashamed.

Now, let's get spicy! Ladies, it's really time to embrace our sexuality + to deconstruct + to let go of those outdated embedded beliefs that hold us back as women both single + in relationships + even as wives in marriages. Our bodies are beautiful, powerful, + they are meant to be enjoyed. So, the next time you find yourself feeling ashamed or guilty about enjoying fellatio, especially when it’s with your husband (+ or wife for those who are enjoyable cunnilinguists) remember that you deserve pleasure + there's nothing wrong with exploring your desires. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

And to anyone who tries to shame you for your sexual preferences, feel free to flip your hair + to strut away like the queen that you are. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

Ain't nobody got time for that negativity! The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

So, to you, my love, go forth + explore the pleasures of fellatio with confidence + with sass. Your body + your partner will thank you for it especially when HE sees that YOU enjoy his penis. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

That is also to say that men, please groom yourselves + please be mindful of your diets + of the things you consume. The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex

As I always say, spitters are for quitters!!! The Magic of Enjoying Oral Sex


Ashley D. Murphy, AMFT, CSE

Sex Therapist + Postpartum Birth Doula

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