Owning + Embracing — the Black Female Body

In today’s climate, it is essential for all women, but especially for BLACK women, to take back ownership and to embrace their bodies. It is important for BLACK women to feel confident in their sexuality and sensuality without the feelings of guilt, shame, disgust, doubt, or RELIGION showing up so loudly and so incorrectly. Yet the question that still arises is, “how does one find self-confidence when the beliefs of who they know themselves to be were built on the foundation of unhealthy comparison to others?” Owning + Embracing — the Black Female Body!

The first step in truly accepting your body is to recognize and to appreciate all of the amazing things that your body does for you each and every day. It’s embracing the ways in which your body shows up for you, when you fail to show up and to love on your own body. Your body is a unique and wonderful creation, and it deserves to be celebrated and loved just the way it is in this present moment. Owning + Embracing — the Black Female Body!

Once you start to appreciate your own body, then can you begin to work on letting go of any and of all negative thoughts and/or feelings you may have about YOU. The truth of the matter is that this can be very challenging, especially if you have been so conditioned to believe that your own body should look a certain way or that there is something wrong with your own body. Insecurity shows up very differently for all of us, but by practicing healthy self-love and by positively affirming yourself, you can slowly start to change those harmful beliefs that have been so deeply embedded into your cognitive way of being, of thinking, and of navigating through the world. Owning + Embracing — the Black Female Body!

The moment you choose to embrace and to love on your body, then will you discover that the natural confidence that you exude can be incredibly empowering — not just for you, but for all of those human beings you encounter when you decide to show up as your most authentic self. You will not feel the need to have to hide or cover yourself or even apologize for who you are, and you will be able to fully express yourself in all of the areas in your life that are important to you — including your sexuality and sensuality. Owning + Embracing — the Black Female Body!

Remember, there is absolutely nothing wrong or shameful or disgusting or bad or any other word that has been used to diminish and silence you as it relates to being a sexual and sensual BLACK woman. In fact, your sexuality and you sensuality are such beautiful and powerful parts of you that should be celebrated and embraced — both publicly and privately, when need be. Owning + Embracing — the Black Female Body!

So go out there into this big world and embrace your own body and everything that makes you who you exactly who you are and exactly who God created you to be — you deserve it! Owning + Embracing — the Black Female Body!

Ashley D. Murphy, AMFT, CSE

Sex Therapist + Postpartum Birth Doula


the Journey to Self-Love


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