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The Morning After — The Night Before

It was my very first time ever going out of my way to actually purchase lingerie. I’d always see the very petite women or the very BBL-ish women in lingerie, but hardly ever the women with a little extra umph about their bodies, so my #sexesteem was something that I was still navigating through. We had both been anticipating this moment for a while now. The long distance thing had ran its course and quite honestly, human contact was becoming an urgent need. Jayson, my on again - off again boyfriend of 5 years — made dinner reservations a couple of weeks prior to the current week we were in. Reservations were made for 7pm at a restaurant near the hotel I was staying at and the entire week prior we had spoken almost everyday building up the momentum to how things were going to play out the night of and the morning after. The Morning After — The Night Before!

The day finally came and I checked into my hotel room. I hadn’t spoken to him the day of — which was strange but I went about my day. I went to get waxed. I got my hair done. And I even made it to the hotel in enough time to go to class, since I was still in graduate school finishing up my Masters degree to become a Sex Therapist. I was sooo excited to see him. Jayson was all I ever dreamt about. Jay could make me orgasm at a distance without ever touching me. Maybe it was his voice that turned me on. Maybe it was the way that he knew my body inside and outside. Or maybe I was just always a very horny and wet human being who enjoyed the most pleasurable moments sex always seemed to provide me. Once class ended, I realized that I still hadn’t heard from him. No text. No phone call. And he lived a very private life due to his career, so I wouldn’t have gotten a dm or anything from his social media. The Morning After — The Night Before!

So I called. There was no answer. The Morning After — The Night Before!

I went on and got dressed. Still no answer. The Morning After — The Night Before!

I even sent the “👀” eyes. Still no answer. The Morning After — The Night Before!

So now, before I allowed anger to consume me, I became worried. I wasn’t sure if anything had happened to him or not — and honestly, I thought of every reasonable thing possible that could have gone wrong. By this time, our reservation had passed and because I didn’t hear from him, I ended phoning a friend — Calvin — who was in town conveniently for the weekend. I know what you’re thinking, “damn, didn’t you just say all of these things about the other guy who made the reservation?” Sure. But also, communication is so simple yet people make it so complicated. Or at least, those were my assumptions since I hadn’t heard from him and there was no way I wasn’t putting this new lingerie to use. The Morning After — The Night Before!

Calvin and I had a very interesting relationship. We went to high school together and always remained very close friends. He was dating someone in the industry and I always respected that, yet he always made it a point to let me know that “if I ever needed anything. that he was a phone call away.” And well, consider this “him being a phone call away.” Since Calvin was always on the road for work, I appreciated the time he had to spend with me. When he came in, we hugged and he put down the liquor he brought. Pineapple juice and Vodka — my fave! The Morning After — The Night Before!

Calvin and I were always very competitive in everything we did together. Him more than I. LOL. Once he got comfortable, he pulled out his cards and we played a few rounds of our favorite card game. As we’re playing, my phone rings. With no hesitation, I answer it. It’s Jay apologizing and explaining himself. At first, I was like “come over” and then I quickly retracted my invitation because “you have me fucked up, if you think that I am supposed to believe that you got into an accident the evening prior and are just calling me hours after the date that you made reservations for.” I ended telling Jay that I was headed to bed, and that I would talk to him tomorrow. The Morning After — The Night Before!

There was no way that I was kicking Calvin out when he actually showed up to spend time with me. As life would have it, Calvin ended up spending the evening with me because there was no way I was wasting an expensive pair of lingerie just to sit in my hotel room pouting and crying. I shared the tea with Calvin about all that had transpired that evening and the night before, as I usually do when it comes to the guys I date and he offered his sentiments about the situation. After a few rounds of card playing — we were almost done with the bottle when Calvin reached over to kiss me. Calvin staggered over me like the giant he was and held me in such a way that made me feel safe. The Morning After — The Night Before!

Somehow, I ended up with my legs straddled around his waist facing him. I held the back of his head with my right hand, as he kissed me gently along my neck. “You deserve to be treated better than he treats you,” Calvin whispered. He then picked me up and placed me gently on my back onto the bed. Unbuttoning my NINTH denim jeans, he was met with a pair of beige laced panties and a matching laced bra. As his hands found their way to my breast, I could feel the print of his penis press against my lady parts. Thank God I got waxed earlier, I thought to myself. As Calvin pulled my panties down passed my feet, he gently pulled me to the edge of the bed. Starting from the top of my navel, he used his mouth to explore the deepest parts of my erogenous zones — making his way to the most sensitive parts of my clitoris. The Morning After — The Night Before!

I gasped. Trying my best to find whatever air was left for me to hold on to. You could literally hear him slurp on my vulva in such an intimate way that the only thing I could possibly do was to shiver and shake at how amazing it felt to be devoured and appreciated. I exhaled loudly and held the top of his head as he continued to eat me out. He came up smiling as he licked what was left on his lips. As he stood up, I got up and noticed that he was erect. I used my dominant hadn't to stroke his penis and I got on my knees and started gently licking the tip of his penis with the tip of my tongue. Simultaneously, I bobbed my head up and down on his man parts making such a loud slurping noise that caused him to moan and curl his toes. As the tip of his penis hit the back of my throat, he held on to the back of my head and told me to SPIT ON IT. Following his request, I did, and that made him moan even louder. The Morning After — The Night Before!

He stood me up and kissed me some more. He turned me over and made sure that I was wet enough for him to enter my temple. He picked up his bag and pulled out a condom. He placed the condom on and asked if this was what I wanted. I said yes and he was so gently with each and every position he placed my body in. I didn't even know that I was that flexible. For the next 40 or so minutes, we made our way to every inch of that hotel room. The Morning After — The Night Before!

Eventually, we both reached climatic endings that were overly satisfying and we ended up going to bed. The Morning After — The Night Before!

He ended up leaving the morning after and I stayed in my room until I checked out feeling and thinking that no matter what happens in life — especially as a single woman, always make sure that you have a PLAN-B. Literally and figuratively. The Morning After — The Night Before!


Long story short, when dating, always and I mean always make sure that you have a8ui plan B — literally, and actually.